Israel-Hamas war

LIST: Journalists killed in the Israel-Hamas war

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LIST: Journalists killed in the Israel-Hamas war

KILLED JOURNALISTS. Colleagues of Palestinian journalists Mohammed Soboh and Saeed al-Taweel, who were killed when an Israeli missile hit a building while they were outside reporting, stand next to their bodies at a hospital in Gaza City, October 10, 2023.

Arafat Barbakh/Reuters

(2nd UPDATE) Journalists – from reporters to photographers and videographers – have been at the frontlines to report on the war

MANILA, Philippines – As the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza rages, many journalists – from reporters to photographers and videographers – have been at the battle zones to tell stories, some of them paying the price for it with their lives.

The Committee to Protect Journalists on Monday, October 16, released a list of casualties of those covering the war.

As of November 8, 39 journalists and media workers were confirmed dead. Meanwhile, eight journalists were reported injured, three were reported missing, and 13 were reported arrested.

In addition to these are reports of assaults, threats, cyberattacks, censorship, and killings of family members of journalists.

Among those listed as killed was Issam Abdallah, a videographer working for Reuters, who was killed during an apparent Israeli shelling attack near the Lebanon border.

Lebanese journalists groups protest the killing of Reuters videojournalist Issam Abdallah, which they and the Lebanese government have blamed on Israel, in front of ESCWA building, in Beirut, Lebanon October 15, 2023. Zohra Bensemra/Reuters

Just what is it like in the war zone?

CNN’s Christiane Amanpour interviewed Ibrahim Dahman, a CNN journalist in Gaza, who said: “For years, I have covered the stories of people in Gaza. I never thought I would become part of the story.”

While they have spent hours fleeing airstrikes and seeking shelter in hotels, “I know deep down no building is safe. We watch airstrikes, and the sound of explosions keeps us awake at night.”

Below is a list of those journalists killed amid the Israel-Hamas conflict as of November 5:

  • Ibrahim Mohammad Lafi
  • Mohammad Jarghoun
  • Mohammad Al-Salhi
  • Yaniv Zohar
  • Ayelet Arnin
  • Shai Regev
  • Assaad Shamlakh
  • Hisham Alnwajha
  • Mohammed Sobh
  • Saeed al-Taweel
  • Mohamed Fayez Abu Matar
  • Ahmed Shehab
  • Issam Abdallah
  • Husam Mubarak
  • Salam Mema
  • Yousef Maher Dawas
  • Abdulhadi Habib
  • Issam Bhar
  • Mohammad Balousha
  • Sameeh Al-Nady
  • Khalil Abu Aathra
  • Mohammed Ali
  • Roee Idan
  • Roshdi Sarraj
  • Mohammed Imad Labad
  • Salma Mkhaimer
  • Ahmed Abu Mhadi
  • Saed Al-Halabi
  • Duaa Sharaf
  • Yasser Abu Namous
  • Nazmi Al-Nadim
  • Majed Kashko
  • Imad Al-Wahidi
  • Iyad Matar
  • Majd Fadl Arandas
  • Mohammed Abu Hatab
  • Mohamed Al Jaja
  • Mohamed Abu Hassira
  • Yahya Abu Manih

Aside from these, Israel is seeking to shut down Al Jazeera’s local bureau, accusing the news outlet of pro-Hamas incitement and of exposing Israeli soldiers to potential attack from Gaza.

Sherif Mansour, CPJ’s Middle East and North Africa program coordinator, said, “CPJ emphasizes that journalists are civilians doing important work during times of crisis and must not be targeted by warring parties.”

“Journalists across the region are making great sacrifices to cover this heartbreaking conflict. All parties must take steps to ensure their safety,” Mansour added.

A full updated listing of casualties, including those who have been injured, as well as those reported detained or missing, is available on the CPJ website.

CPJ’s listing is based on sources in the region as well as media reports. As it notes, “It is unclear whether all of the journalists were covering the conflict at the time of their deaths, but CPJ has included them in our count as we investigate their circumstances.” –

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