International Criminal Court

Dela Rosa ‘very confident’ he can hurdle ICC probe

Bonz Magsambol

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Dela Rosa ‘very confident’ he can hurdle ICC probe

Senator Ronald “Bato” dela Rosa, chairman of senate Committee on Public Order and Dangerous Drugs, presides the fifth hearing on the Degamo assassination on Thursday, May 11. Photo by Angie de Silva/Rappler

Angie de Silva

'Kapag nandiyan 'yan, wala tayong magawa kundi harapin. Harapin 'yan,' says Senator Bato dela Rosa

MANILA, Philippines – Senator Ronald “Bato” dela Rosa on Thursday, November 23, expressed confidence that he can hurdle the International Criminal Court (ICC) probe into the Duterte administration’s bloody drug war which he had orchestrated.

In an interview with TeleRadyo Serbisyo, the senator wondered aloud why he would need to cooperate with the ICC probe when the government of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. was reluctant about it as well. In July, Marcos shut the door on the probe after the tribunal rejected the Philippine government’s appeal against the probe.

“Bakit ako magcooperate? Bakit ako magbigay ng deposition? Bakit ako magbigay ng counter-affidavit ko kung ating gobyerno nga ayaw makipag-cooperate sa kanila?” he asked. (Why would I cooperate? Why would I give my deposition? Why would I give a counter-affidavit if our government itself doesn’t want to cooperate with them?)

“Kapag nandiyan ‘yan, wala tayong magawa kundi harapin. Harapin ‘yan. I am very confident naman na malulusutan ko ‘yan, kung kasama ako,” Dela Rosa said. (If the probe is there, I have no choice but to face it. I will face it. I am very confident that I will get though it, if I will be part of it.)

Before he led the Philippine National Police, Dela Rosa served as Davao City police chief when Duterte was mayor. The shadowy Davao Death Squad (DDS) flourished under Duterte and was accused of implementing kill orders from higher-ups that allegedly included the former Davao City mayor, according to former member Arturo Lascañas. The whistleblower had implicated Dela Rosa as among the alleged “enablers” of Duterte.

The senator made the statement after lawmakers filed separate House resolutions urging the government to cooperate with the ICC’s Duterte drug war investigation.

In July, Dela Rosa said that he will avoid going to countries that are member-states of the ICC. He also said that the Philippine government cannot issue an arrest warrant against him since the Philippines was “very clear” on its stand not to recognize the ICC as a body.

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Bonz Magsambol

Bonz Magsambol covers the Philippine Senate for Rappler.