journalism in the Philippines

Veteran journalist Conrado de Quiros dies

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Veteran journalist Conrado de Quiros dies

Art by Nico Villarete

(1st UPDATE) 'Rock on in heaven, Choy,' his brother Paul de Quiros says in a Facebook post

MANILA, Philippines – Veteran journalist, author, and columnist Conrado de Quiros has died, his brother announced on Monday evening, November 6. He was 72.

“With profound sadness, we announce the passing of our brother, Conrado S. de Quiros,” Paul de Quiros said in a Facebook post.

“He will be greatly missed by our loving family and friends…. Conrad will remain in our hearts forever. Rock on in heaven, Choy.” De Quiros had been ill for several years.

De Quiros wrote the longtime column “There’s the Rub” for the Philippine Daily Inquirer (PDI). According to, De Quiros started the column in November 1987 with the Philippine Daily Globe before bringing it to PDI in July 1991.

De Quiros  was the recipient of the Best Column citation from the Catholic Mass Media Awards in 1995, and the Rotary Journalism Award in Print Category for his commentary on various issues in 1999. In 2003, he was also given the Society of Publishers in Asia Editorial Excellence Award, and the Rotary Club of Manila cited him as Opinion Writer of the Year. 

Tributes poured in for the veteran journalist after Monday’s announcement.

“Conrad was the influencer who deepened the thinking of everyone who read him, long before most influencers emerged and made influencing shallow,” international human rights lawyer Ruben Carranza wrote.

Human rights advocate Robert Francis Garcia said “a generation of us grew up on Conrado de Quiros.”

“A fresh political issue comes up, we grab a hard copy of the Inquirer to get his views. And be guided accordingly. I did not agree with him 100% of the time, perhaps only 90 give or take. But his eloquence had often been persuasive enough,” he added.

“Deepest condolences to the family and loved ones of Conrado de Quiros, who always wrote the truth. He will be missed,” Rappler columnist Walden Bello said.

Wrote Paul John Caña in Esquire: “His column There’s The Rub for the PDI was a space that managed to convey reason and rationality as much as it stoked fiery debate for arguing for or against certain issues. I turned to him when I wanted to know more about the political issue du jour, expecting him to make light of convoluted matters or disputes.” 

A wake to honor De Quiros’ life will take place at the Loyola Memorial Chapels (Premier 1) in Commonwealth, Quezon City, starting Wednesday, November 8, at 12 noon, until Friday, November 10. The family said that in lieu of flowers, they would appreciate prayers for him. –

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