2022 PH local races

Chavit’s son willing to give way in election battle with dad

John Michael Mugas

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Chavit’s son willing to give way in election battle with dad

HAPPIER TIMES. Ryan Luis Singson (right) with his father Luis 'Chavit' Singson in 2013.

Photo from Ryan Luis Singson's official Facebook page

Outgoing Governor Ryan Luis Singson sets one condition: that his brother, Ronald, will also pull out of the congressional race in the Ilocos Sur 1st District, where Ryan’s father-in-law is seeking reelection

Last-term Ilocos Sur Governor Ryan Luis Singson said on Saturday, October 2, he was willing to withdraw his candidacy for vice governor that would be pitting him against his father, political kingpin Luis “Chavit” Singson – if the patriarch would ask him.

On his local radio show, Ryan said he was willing to let go of any local elective position in 2022 in order to unite his already divided family, and to spare residents from the family’s political bickering. 

Chavit and his governor son were among the six immediate family members of the clan who filed their certificates of candidacies for various local posts on Friday, October 1.

Lack of communication, according to Ryan, resulted in him and his father to seek the same position in the next year’s polls.

He said he wanted to know what his father’s political plans were and to seek the “guidance and advice” of Chavit, but heard nothing from him until they both filed their certificates of candidacy for the same post. 

In a separate statement on Saturday, reminded his son, “Honor and respect your parents.” He said he had kept his doors open to Ryan, who he said seemed to have “forgotten where he had come from.”

Ryan, however, set a condition for withdrawing his candidacy for vice governor: that his elder brother Ronald should also withdraw his candidacy for Ilocos Sur 1st District congressman. 

Ronald, who filed his COC also on Friday, is challenging reelectionist Representative Deogracias Victor Savellano, Ryan’s father-in-law. – Rappler.com

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