2022 Philippine Elections

Former Manila mayor Lito Atienza loses in home city

Renzo Arceta

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Former Manila mayor Lito Atienza loses in home city

Vice presidential bet Lito Atienza speaks to reporters on April 11, 2022.

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The former Manila mayor gains just just 5,830 votes from the city, which vice presidential bet Sara Duterte wins with over 400,000 votes

MANILA, Philippines – The former Manila City mayor and running mate of presidential candidate Manny Pacquiao, vice presidential bet Lito Atienza, lost in his home city.

As of 4:30 pm on Wednesday, May 11, partial and unofficial results show Atienza garnering just 5,830 votes, or 0.68% of the total, from the city he was mayor of from 1998 to 2007. He was also vice mayor of Manila from 1992 to 1998.

A total of 98.27% of election results have been processed.

His opponent, Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte, won in Manila with partial and unofficial results showing 402,324 votes, or 46.64% of the total from the city.

Atienza’s vice-presidential campaign got off to a rocky start with him needing knee surgery early in the campaign season. Shortly after, he had a heated exchange with presidential candidate Ping Lacson after asking him to withdraw from the race with him to allow for a Manny Pacquiao-Tito Sotto tandem.

Pacquiao, who was able to win in Saranggani province but lost in the rest of Mindanao, has conceded to Ferdinand ‘Bongbong’ Marcos Jr. – Rappler.com

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