2022 Philippine Elections

Abby Binay on her way to third term as Makati city mayor

Sofia Guanzon

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Abby Binay on her way to third term as Makati city mayor

ABBY BINAY. Abby Binay's official Facebook page.

(1ST UPDATE) Based on 100% of election returns, the incumbent mayor defeats challenger Joel Hernandez by a landslide

MAKATI, Philippines – Abby Binay is poised to claim a third term as mayor of Makati City in the 2022 elections, securing the decades-long hold of the Binay clan on the city. 

Based on 100% of unofficial results from the Comelec’s server., the incumbent mayor garnered move votes challenger Joel Hernandez, with 338,619 votes for Binay versus 16,640 for Hernandez.

Before winning as mayor in 2016, Binay served as representative to Congress of Makati’s 2nd District from 2007 to 2016 and was succeeded by her husband, Luis Campos. 

In 2019, she ran against her own brother, former mayor Jejomar “Junjun” Binay Jr., in their family’s bailiwick. 

Binay’s running mate, Monique Lagdameo won by a landslide as well, against independent candidate Rod Biolena. Their party, Makatizens United Party (MKTZNU) dominated the local race, sweeping city council positions. 

Abby’s father, longtime Makati mayor and former vice president Jejomar Binay, sought a political comeback with a senatorial run this election with United Nationalist Alliance (UNA). UNA is the party he founded for his failed presidential bid in 2016. 

Prior to the election season, Abby’s sister, Anne, filed her Certificates of Candidacy (COC) in the same mayoral race prompting what would have been another face-off between the Binay siblings but withdrew shortly afterwards.

As mayor, Binay has been generally praised for managing the pandemic in Makati, though she has been criticized for their slow rollout of coronavirus vaccines. – Rappler.com 

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