2022 Philippine Elections

Belen Fernandez wins Dagupan comeback race against mayor Brian Lim

Ahikam Pasion

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Belen Fernandez wins Dagupan comeback race against mayor Brian Lim

COMEBACK. Former Dagupan mayor Belen Fernandez holds up her proclamation certificate after defeating incumbent Brian Lim

Fernandez got the nod from religious group Iglesia ni Cristo, which supported Lim in 2019

DAGUPAN CITY, Pangasinan – Former mayor Belen Fernandez successfully staged her comeback after her 2019 loss by winning against incumbent Dagupan City Mayor Marc Brian Lim.

Fernandez bagged 67,499 votes against Lim’s 53,042 votes. She had received the backing of the religious group Iglesia ni Cristo, who had supported Lim during the 2019 elections, leading to Fernandez’s 1,239 voting margin loss.

Fernandez was elected mayor in 2013 in an uphill battle against Brian’s father, the late Benjamin Saplan Lim, with a 4,140-vote margin. She once again ran for re-election and won in 2016. However, she lost to Brian Lim on her third try during the 2019 elections with a 1,239-vote margin.

At the home stretch of the election, the two politicians tangled over the conduct of the city’s famous Bangus Kalutan festival.– Rappler.com

Ahikam Pasion is a Luzon-based journalist and an awardee of the Aries Rufo Journalism Fellowship.

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