2025 Philippine elections

AT A GLANCE: Key features of Philippines’ new voting machines


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AT A GLANCE: Key features of Philippines’ new voting machines

TRYING IT OUT. Members of various civil society groups get to try touch-screen voting machines to be used for overseas voting in certain countries, at the Rappler newsroom in Pasig City, June 6, 2024.

Jire Carreon/Rappler

Rappler enumerates the features of the Commission on Elections’ new voting machines for the 2025 polls, which include a touch screen and a QR code scanner that can virtually project the image of the voter’s actual ballot paper

MANILA, Philippines For the 2025 midterms elections, the Philippines’ Commission on Elections is replacing Smartmatic’s decade-old vote-counting machines with new equipment from Korean firm Miru Systems.

Here are the key features of the equipment:

Read the full story here. – Rappler.com

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