Faith and Spirituality

Eid Mubarak! Filipino Muslims announce Eid’l Fitr celebration on April 10

Paterno R. Esmaquel II

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Eid Mubarak! Filipino Muslims announce Eid’l Fitr celebration on April 10

RAMADAN. Muslims gather at the Blue Mosque in Taguig City for evening prayers and iftar, or breaking of the fast, on the first day of the holy month of Ramadan, March 12, 2024.

Jire Carreon/Rappler

Islamic moonsighting committees report the sighting of the crescent moon in the Philippines, which means the start of a new Islamic month and the end of Ramadan

MANILA, Philippines – Filipino Muslim leaders announced that they will celebrate Eid’l Fitr on Wednesday, April 10, after moonsighting committees across the country sighted the crescent moon on Tuesday evening, April 9.

The National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF) made this announcement at around 8:22 pm on Wednesday, a few minutes after the Bangsamoro Darul-Ifta also determined that the crescent moon was sighted in the Philippines.

While the Philippine government declared the Eid’l Fitr holiday on Wednesday, the date of the Muslims’ celebration depended on the sighting of the new moon on the 29th day of the month of Ramadan, which is April 9 this year.

Since the new moon was sighted on April 9, then the new Islamic month – called Shawwal – begins the next day. This means the preceding month of Ramadan is over.

Watch the video of the NCMF annnouncement below:

Eid Mubarak! Filipino Muslims announce Eid’l Fitr celebration on April 10

Eid’l Fitr, also known as Hari Raya Puasa, literally means “Festival of Breaking Fast.” It marks the end of Ramadan, the month when Muslims are required to fast from food, sex, and even water from sunrise to sunset. 

Must Read

Why Muslims look for the moon: The lunar calendar, explained

Why Muslims look for the moon: The lunar calendar, explained

Traditionally, Muslims gather in mosques to pray on the first day of Eid’l Fitr, and also visit and feast with family and friends. Eid’l Fitr is traditionally celebrated for three days.

Eid Mubarak! Filipino Muslims announce Eid’l Fitr celebration on April 10

Dimapuno Datu-Ramos Jr. of the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos also said in a 2020 interview that the following values are emphasized during Eid’l Fitr:

  • compassion for one another “since our fasting makes us experience how the poorest of the poor live on a daily basis, without having access to clean water and food”;
  • generosity, especially to the poor, “which is our acceptance that worldly wealth is from God and that we have no right to deprive our brothers and sisters in faith of what God meant to be shared by all”; and
  • kindness and selflessness “because we are enjoined to avoid hurtful words and actions all throughout Ramadan, as to not invalidate our sacrifices.”

Liyana Asmara, a Muslim interfaith advocate in Singapore, also said in a previous Rappler interview: “Eid’l Fitr is a victorious celebration for those who hustled both physically and spiritually during the fasting month. You express your gratitude to God by observing a special prayer during Eid’l Fitr and opening your house for a treat for families, friends, and neighbors.” –

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Paterno R. Esmaquel II

Paterno R. Esmaquel II, news editor of Rappler, specializes in covering religion and foreign affairs. He finished MA Journalism in Ateneo and MSc Asian Studies (Religions in Plural Societies) at RSIS, Singapore. For story ideas or feedback, email