Faith and Spirituality

Preach! Homilies should be relatable, say churchgoers

Patricia Kahanap

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Preach! Homilies should be relatable, say churchgoers
How should priests deliver their homilies? For several Catholic users in the faith chat room of the Rappler Communities app, the sermons should be kept simple and made relevant to the lives of massgoers.

MANILA, Philippines – What makes a great homily?

During one of his Wednesday general audiences, Pope Francis urged priests to shorten their homilies to no more than eight minutes in order to keep people’s attention.

“The homily, that comment by the celebrant, must help to transfer the Word of God from the book to life. But for this, the homily must be brief: an image, a thought and a sentiment,” he said on June 12. “And among the many words of God that we listen to every day in Mass or in the Liturgy of the Hours, there is always one that is meant especially for us…. It is a question of not letting it fall on deaf ears!”

For several Catholic users in the faith chat room of the Rappler Communities app, a homily – regardless of its duration – should be kept simple and made relevant to the lives of massgoers.

Some users pointed out that a homily must have a central theme, so that the faithful could reflect and focus on the theme of the Mass.

One of the chat room members also encouraged priests to make sure that their sermons could be understood by children going to church.

Pope Francis has always been vocal about the need for short and simple homilies. In 2018, the Pontiff reminded priests to keep their sermons brief, as it is “dialogue which has already been opened between the Lord and his people, so that it finds fulfillment in life.” 

How should priests deliver their homilies? Let’s discuss in the faith chat room of the Rappler Communities app. – 

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Patricia Kahanap

Patricia Kahanap is a digital communications specialist at Rappler.