bike lanes

Intramuros opens expanded bike lanes, improved pedestrian walkways

Iya Gozum

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Intramuros opens expanded bike lanes, improved pedestrian walkways

NO CARS. Mobility advocates cycle through fully pedestrianized General Luna Street in Intramuros, Manila, on June 21, 2024.

Iya Gozum/Rappler

Intramuros Administrator Joan Padilla says they hope the bike lanes, open streets will encourage more people to visit and learn the history of the Walled City

MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Transportation (DOTr) led the inauguration of active and public transportation infrastructure in the Intramuros district in Manila on Friday, June 21.

“Today we inaugurate not just three types of expanded bike lanes spanning a total of 9.35 kilometers, but also four public transport stops, as well as improved pedestrian walkways and accessibility ramps for persons with disabilities,” said DOTr Assistant Secretary Jose Lim IV on Friday.

DOTr expects the P64.16 million project to be completed by the fourth quarter of the year. While construction of the bike lanes is still ongoing, some portions can already be used. Meanwhile, General Luna Street has been fully pedestrianized.

According to Intramuros Administrator (IA) Joan Padilla, they chose to pedestrianize General Luna as it connects Fort Santiago, Manila Cathedral, Plaza Roma, and the San Agustin Church which is a designated World Heritage Site.

Once the project is completed, General Luna, Sto. Tomas, Postigo streets and parts of Sta. Clara Street will have Class 1 bike lanes or protected paths separated from the roadway. Real, Anda, Victoria streets, and parts of Muralla street will have Class 2 bike lanes or those separated from the roadway through physical barriers.

Meanwhile, parts of A. Soriano Avenue and portions of Victoria, General Luna, and Palacio streets will have been turned into shared roadways.

Padilla said there is clamor to have a safe space inside the Walled City where people can walk and bike.

“Hopefully through this project, we encourage other people to exercise, walk, tour, and learn the history and heritage in Intramuros,” Padilla told reporters in Filipino.

Intramuros opens expanded bike lanes, improved pedestrian walkways

Aside from officials from the DOTr, IA, Department of Tourism, and Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority, mobility advocates also joined the event.

Robert Siy Jr. of the Move as One Coalition spoke prior to the ribbon-cutting at General Luna Street.

Siy said pedestrianized streets like General Luna should not be regarded as a “one-of-a-kind cultural or museum artifact that people will only see when they come to Intramuros.”

“Instead, it should be a reminder to all of us that the kind of rich and vibrant street life and people-centered, inclusive infrastructure that we see today in General Luna Street, we need to create this same environment in every barangay, in every community,” Siy said.

According to DOTr, the expanded bike lanes, active and public transportation infrastructure inside the historic city would cater to 1.9 million visitors yearly.

Lim said they hope citizens will continue to support the project until completion “so we can witness the transformation of Intramuros.”

“With the support of various socio-civic organizations, we are confident this project will captivate foreign and local cyclists to Intramuros,” the DOTr official said. –

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Iya Gozum

Iya Gozum covers the environment, agriculture, and science beats for Rappler.