Philippine media

Jay Sonza cleared of illegal recruitment, but still in jail due to other cases

Jairo Bolledo

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Jay Sonza cleared of illegal recruitment, but still in jail due to other cases

FREED. File photo of former broadcaster and television personality Jay Sonza.

Jay Sonza's Facebook page

The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology is still verifying the status of the estafa case against the former broadcaster

MANILA, Philippines – Quezon City courts dismissed the illegal recruitment cases against Jay Sonza, but the former broadcaster remains detained because of a libel case, the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) confirmed on Thursday, August 17.

BJMP spokesperson Jail Chief Inspector Jayrex Bustinera confirmed to Rappler that Quezon City Regional Trial Court Branch 215 had dismissed the illegal recruitment case against Sonza, while QC RTC Branch 100 dismissed the syndicated large scale illegal recruitment case.

Bustinera also confirmed they received the copy of the order signed by Presiding Judge Editha Miña-Aguba of QC RTC Branch 100. In the order, the judge said that case was dismissed due to the complainants’ failure to appear before the court.

“Private complainants failed to appear. This is not the first time that they failed to appear. Upon motion of the accused, without objection on the part of the people, considering that with the non-appearance of private complainants, the guilt of accused could not be proved beyond reasonable doubt, the instant case is hereby DISMISSED PROVISIONALLY with the express consent and conformity of accused,” the order read.

The BJMP spokesperson said Sonza was stll under their custody because of a libel case before QC RTC Branch 77. The libel case was not among the cases mentioned by authorities when they confirmed the Sonza’s arrest.

Bustinera also said that they were still verifying the status of the 11 counts of estafa case against Sonza pending before QC RTC Branch 100.

On August 15, the BJMP confirmed that the former broadcaster was detained for estafa (Article 315, Paragraph 2a of the Revised Penal Code) and syndicated and large scale illegal recruitment (Section 6(m), in relation to Section 7b) of Republic Act No. 8042 or the Migrant Workers Overseas Filipinos Act of 1995.

Immigration personnel intercepted Sonza when he was about to fly to Hong Kong on July 18 after learning that he had an arrest warrant. –

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Jairo Bolledo

Jairo Bolledo is a multimedia reporter at Rappler covering justice, police, and crime.