journalism awards

Nery, Pamintuan, 5 others honored as ‘Journalists of Courage and Impact’

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Nery, Pamintuan, 5 others honored as ‘Journalists of Courage and Impact’

RAPPLER host and columnist John Nery receives the award from East-West Center president Suzanne Vares-Lum in Manila on June 24, 2024.

Fom EWC Flickr

The East-West Center recognizes the honorees for their ‘exceptional commitment to quality reporting and freedom of the press, often under harrowing circumstances’

MANILA, Philippines – Senior Filipino journalists John Nery and Ana Marie Pamintuan, together with five other journalists from Asia and the United States, were honored by the Honolulu-based East West Center as “Journalists of Courage and Impact” in rites held on Monday, June 24, at the Jose Rizal Hall of the Philippine International Convention Center.

The awarding was a highlight of the 2024 International Media Conference, which was held June 23-26 in Manila. The seven honorees were recognized for “exceptional commitment to quality reporting and freedom of the press, often under harrowing circumstances.”

Nery is a columnist and editorial consultant in Rappler. He anchors the weekly public affairs program In the Public Square. Pamintuan is the editor in chief of the Philippine Star, and a co-host of The Chiefs on TV5.

The other awardees were Sincha Dimara, news editor of Inside PNG in Papua New Guinea; Tom Grundy, the founder and chief editor of Hong Kong Free Press; Alan Miller, founder of the News Literacy Project in the United States; Kamal Siddiqi, former news director of Aaj News in Pakistan; and Soe Myint, editor in chief of Mizzima and an exile from Myanmar.

Journalists of Courage and Impact awardees for 2024
JOURNALISTS of Courage and Impact awardees for 2024

Myint arrived at the awards ceremony mere minutes before he received his award because of travel restrictions and visa difficulties. Miller joined the rites online.

In brief remarks after receiving the award from East West Center president Suzanne Vares-Lum, Pamintuan spoke of the culture of impunity, which continues to be a source of harassment and intimidation for Philippine media. Nery invoked the example of “the many Filipino journalists who do the work, who put in the hours, who put up with the fear of irrelevance, the fear of the unknown, the fear of public and sometimes physical backlash.” 

The International Media Conference is a biennial event hosted since 2008 by the East West Center, an educational and research institution based inside the University of Hawaii and known for its study programs. To journalists, it is well known for its fellowships and seminars, including its flagship six-decade-old Jefferson Fellowship program.

The Journalist of Courage and Impact award was first presented during the 2014 conference in Yangon, Myanmar. To date, a total of 29 journalists have received the award. Rowaida Rhima Folloso Macarambon of Iligan was the first Filipino to receive the prize, in New Delhi in 2016. Maria Ressa, Rappler co-founder and CEO, was awarded in Singapore in 2018. 

It was at the 2022 conference, held in Honolulu, when Ressa received news that the Securities and Exchange Commission had affirmed its previous order to shut down Rappler. The –

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  1. ET

    Senior Filipino journalists John Nery and Ana Marie Pamintuan, along with five other journalists from Asia and the United States, were honored by the Honolulu-based East-West Center as “Journalists of Courage and Impact.” Journalism in the Digital Age requires courage and impact as it faces formidable challenges such as Big Tech, purveyors of disinformation, complicit government enforcers, legislators, judges, and a business sector influenced by corrupt politicians determined to maintain their power and enjoy the benefits of their uncontrolled greed for wealth, fame, and power.

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