
Kalibo Ati-Atihan virtual revelry offers P1-M in prizes

Jun Aguirre

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Kalibo Ati-Atihan virtual revelry offers P1-M in prizes

BEAUTIES. Contestants of the Miss Kalibo Ati-Atihan Contest 2022, which will be a virtual event due to the current COVID-19 surge.

Kalibo City tourism office

A highlight of this year's Ati-Atihan is the 'Balik Patik' or a throwback to traditional Ati-atihan drum and lyres

AKLAN, Philippines – The local government of Kalibo is set for the celebration of the first virtual revelry of the famous Kalibo Sto. Nino Ati-Atihan Festival, with P1 million for prizes in different competitions from Friday, January 14, to Sunday, January 16.

Kalibo Mayor Emerson Lachica said the events include the Miss Kalibo Ati-Atihan Festival 2022, and contests for costumes, jingles and photos. One of the highlights, he said, is the “Balik Patik” or a throwback to traditional Ati-Atihan drum and lyres. 

An Ati-Atihan dog costume contest has been moved to January 28.

Earlier, the St John the Baptist Cathedral announced that it will be holding a caravan as an alternative to the traditional street dancing that accompanies the procession of Sto. Nino (the Child Christ) images around town.

Last year, Kalibo held a simple festival with only one Ati-Atihan band allowed to play inside the Cathedral after the Mass.

Cindy Ferrer, information officer of the Office of the Civil Defense-Western Visayas said the Regional COVID-19 task force urged Ati-Atihan organizers to limit activities that attract crowds. In response, the local government canceled plans for a food festival and a bazaar. – Rappler.com

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