Baguio City

Cable cars in Camp John Hay? BCDA, Japanese firm to study possibility

Frank Cimatu

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Cable cars in Camp John Hay? BCDA, Japanese firm to study possibility

BAGUIO CITY. A bird's eye view of Baguio City


Zip Infrastructure will be preparing a feasibility study to see if its self-driven cable car system called Zippar would work in Baguio City

MANILA, Philippines – There could soon be a cable car system ready for your commute needs in Baguio City.

The Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA) has formalized deals with two Japanese organizations to help develop economic zones in the country. This includes a memorandum of understanding with Zip Infrastructure Co Ltd. to study the possibility of having a self-driven cable car system in Baguio City’s Camp John Hay.

As the country’s summer capital gets more congested, the government has been looking for ways to at least ease the traffic problems in the City of Pines. The option of having a cable car system in Camp John Hay, for instance, would “[make] it more accessible and enjoyable for residents and visitors alike.”

Zip Infrastructure will be preparing a feasibility study to see if its self-driven cable car system called Zippar would work in the former US military facility.

According to BCDA president and chief executive officer Joshua Bingcang, Zip Infrastructure can give the country a “versatile design,” which would allow the cable car system to drive in curves and branches without the need of a driver and still rely on an automated control center.

“This technology promises to enhance urban mobility, reduce traffic congestion, and promote environmentally sustainable transportation solutions,” Bingcang said.

BCDA inks memorandum of understanding with Japan-based Zip Infrastructure Co. Ltd. to study the possibility of having a self-driven cable car system in Camp John Hay in Baguio City.
CABLE CARS IN BAGUIO? BCDA president and chief executive officer Joshua Bingcang and Zip Infrastructure chief executive officer Takamasa Suchi sign a memorandum of understanding to study the possibility of having a self-driven cable car system in Baguio’s John Hay Special Economic Zone.

Meanwhile, the BCDA will also work with Japan’s Organization for Public-Private Partnerships Promotion Support (OPPS) to promote business opportunities for Japanese firms to invest in New Clark City and other economic zones in the Philippines. OPPS supports the country’s PPPs and private financing initiatives and helps with the screening of infrastructure projects between Tokyo and its partner governments. –

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