
Beloved candy vendor ‘Lolo Pops’ passes away at 75

Joann Manabat

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Beloved candy vendor ‘Lolo Pops’ passes away at 75

LOLO POPS. Lolo Lito to his family, Lolo Pops gained popularity by selling candies such as lollipops, pastillas, and polvoron from a styrofoam box near the universities of Angeles City.

Lolo Pop's Polvoron and Pastillas Facebook

'Lolo Pops' plied the streets of Angeles City for over two decades

PAMPANGA, Philippines – A beloved candy vendor of Angeles City, Angelito Gino-Gino, “Lolo Lito” to his family and dubbed “Lolo Pops” by his patrons, passed away at the age of 75 on Tuesday, June 18.

His family announced his passing on his Facebook page.

Lolo Pops plied the streets of Angeles City for over two decades, selling candies such as lollipops, pastillas, and polvoron on a styrofoam box. His warm smile and friendly demeanor endeared him to generations of students from universities close to where he sold his treats.

Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, which affected his street sales due to restrictions on in-person classes, Lolo Pops adapted by expanding his reach through online platforms. 

His online shop had a following of 112,300 customers, a testament to his entrepreneurial spirit.

Lolo Pops attributed his resilience and positivity to his late wife, Pacita, who died on June 15 just three days ahead of him. Their love was evident to all who knew them. –

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