
Scorching heat pushes Pangasinan town to adopt 4-day work week

Ahikam Pasion

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Scorching heat pushes Pangasinan town to adopt 4-day work week


Working hours in government offices in Binmaley, Pangasinan are now from Monday to Thursday, from 8 am to 6 pm

DAGUPAN CITY, Pangasinan – Officials of Binmaley, Pangasinan moved to implement a four-day working schedule in its government offices, as the heat index in the province has continually sizzled to dangerous levels in the past three weeks.

The revised working schedule has been implemented since Monday, April 22, and will last until June 30 this year.

From its usual Monday to Friday 8 am to 5 pm schedule, working hours are now from Monday to Thursday, from 8 am to 6 pm.

Government offices are closed during Fridays, with the exemption of essential and necessary services.

Among those exempted from said revised working arrangement are the following:

  • Office of the Economic Enterprise and Slaughterhouse (with continuous operation from Monday to Sunday)
  •  Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Office
  • Utility Workers
  • Waste Management
  • Traffic Management

Pangasinan, particularly Dagupan City and its neighboring towns, has continuously recorded dangerous heat levels. –

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