Central Luzon

Mutya ng Pilipinas Pampanga 2023 candidate, boyfriend reported missing

Joann Manabat

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Mutya ng Pilipinas Pampanga 2023 candidate, boyfriend reported missing

Li Dsc Facbook account

Geneva Lopez's sister, Joni, reports the couple missing to the Angeles City police station on June 22

PAMPANGA, Philippines – Mutya ng Pilipinas Pampanga 2023 candidate Geneva Lopez and her boyfriend, Israeli Yitshak Cohen, have been reported missing since Saturday, June 22, according to a police report.

The concern was raised by Geneva’s sister, Joni, who reported the couple missing to the Angeles City Police Station 4. 

Based on the report, Joni handed in a request for a flash alarm of an abandoned burned vehicle from the Capas municipal police station and requested an assistance to investigate the alleged disappearance of the couple.

Geneva, 27, and Yitshak, 37, were unreachable through social media and personal mobile phone numbers since June 21 around 3 pm. The couple were residing in Barangay Malabanias, Angeles City.

Duty investigator Staff Sergeant John Paul Nash conducted an interview with Joni and was informed that Geneva and Yitshak had planned to go to Capas, Tarlac to meet with a certain Michael Angelo Guiang about a property transaction.

Angeles City police chief Colonel Amado Mendoza said the search operation is currently ongoing including the backtracking of CCTV footage. 

“We are backtracking the CCTV footage. And whatever footage we get, we can enhance them to see the occupants” Mendoza told Rappler on Sunday, June 23.

Based on a spot report from the Capas police station, a vehicle was reported burning at around 2:43 am by the Bureau of Fire Protection of the town. An ocular inspection was immediately conducted by the local police where a fire out was also declared a few minutes later.

Recovered from the burned vehicle were partially burned documents with Geneva’s name written on it. The vehicle was also reportedly driven by Yitshak.

Rappler reached out to the Capas police, and we will update this story once we receive their response.

In October 2023, Miss Grand Philippines 2023 candidate Catherine Camilon was also reported missing. – Rappler.com

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