Marcos Jr. administration

Gov’t agencies, schools ordered to recite ‘Bagong Pilipinas’ hymn, pledge in flag ceremonies

Bonz Magsambol

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Gov’t agencies, schools ordered to recite ‘Bagong Pilipinas’ hymn, pledge in flag ceremonies

Malacanang Palace riverside facade in 2013

Presidential Museum and Library

'The move aims to instill the principles of Bagong Pilipinas among government workers,' says Malacañang

MANILA, Philippines – Malacañang ordered government agencies and schools in the country to recite the “Bagong Pilipinas (A New Philippines)” hymn and pledge in weekly flag ceremonies.

“The move aims to instill the principles of Bagong Pilipinas among government workers,” said the Presidential Communications Office on Saturday, June 8.

“For this purpose, the heads of all national government agencies and instrumentalities shall ensure that the Bagong Pilipinas Hymn and Pledge, which are annexed to this Circular, are properly disseminated within their respective institutions and offices,” said Executive Secretary Lucas Bersamin in a June 4 memorandum.

The Marcos administration launched Bagong Pilipinas in July 2023 as its brand of governance and leadership. The government directed all national government agencies, including Government-Owned or -Controlled Corporations (GOCCs) and state universities and colleges (SUCs) to be guided by its principles.

Malacañang said that Bagong Pilipinas is “characterized by a principled, accountable, and dependable government, reinforced by unified institutions of society.” The catchphrase itself was popular during Marcos’ presidential campaign, as it was part of a jingle by rapper Andrew E.

“It envisions to empower Filipinos to support and participate in all government efforts in an all-inclusive plan towards deep and fundamental social and economic transformation in all sectors of society and government,” it added.

The tagline is also reminiscent of “Bagong Lipunan” (literally translated as “New Society”), the slogan of the administration of the President’s late dictator-father Ferdinand E. Marcos, who placed the Philippines under a bloody Martial Law regime and ruled the country for 21 years, from 1965 until his ouster in 1986.

Below is the copy of the memorandum, and the Bagong Pilipinas hymn and pledge.


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Bonz Magsambol

Bonz Magsambol covers the Philippine Senate for Rappler.