senior citizens

Senior citizens aged 80 and up get cash gifts too under expanded law

Dwight de Leon

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Senior citizens aged 80 and up get cash gifts too under expanded law

LIMITED DOSES. Senior citizens stay at an observation area after receiving their first dose of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, at a covered court in Manila, March 29, 2021.

Lisa Marie David/Reuters

Filipinos who reach the age of 80 will be given a P10,000 cash gift, and another P10,000 every five years thereafter until they reach 95

MANILA, Philippines – The Centenarians Act of 2016 has been amended to provide monetary perks not only to senior citizens aged 100, but also those who are 80 years old and above.

Republic Act (RA) No. 11982, signed into law by President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Monday, February 26, compels the government to hand out P10,000 in cash to Filipinos who have reached the age of 80, and every five years thereafter, until they reach 95.

Once they cross the 100-year mark, the cash gift balloons to P100,000, a provision from the 2016 law that remains untouched.

“But they deserve more than cash in an envelope. What they should get is a support infrastructure that every society owes to its graying population,” Marcos said in a speech after he signed the measure.

The new law also creates an Elderly Data Management System, according to a press release from House Speaker Martin Romualdez’s office.

A copy of RA 11982 has yet to be uploaded on the website of the Official Gazette.

The measure’s main sponsors in Congress were Senior Citizens Representative Rodolfo Ordanes and Senator Imee Marcos. Dozens of lawmakers were also listed as authors or co-authors. –

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Dwight de Leon

Dwight de Leon is a multimedia reporter who covers President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., the Malacañang, and the Commission on Elections for Rappler.