Davao City

Davao police form team to probe ex-mayor’s murder

Ferdinand Zuasola

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Davao police form team to probe ex-mayor’s murder
Representative Nelson Dayanghirang of Davao Oriental's 1st District condemns the broad daylight gun attack that killed former Cateel mayor Giselo Castillones in Davao City

DAVAO ORIENTAL, Philippines – Police formed a special team of investigators to focus on the case of the fatal shooting of former Cateel, Davao Oriental mayor Giselo Castillones in Davao City on Wednesday, November 22.

Colonel Alberto Lupaz, Davao City police chief, ordered the special investigation task group to establish the motive and identify suspects in Castillones’ killing.

Captain Hazel Tuazon, spokesperson of the Davao City Police Office, said on Thursday, November 23, that investigators would meet with Castillones’ companions and family to gather information, including any threats the victim might have received.

She said they were also reviewing CCTV footage from nearby establishments.

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Castillones and his driver, Junie Castro, were attacked by motorcycle-riding gunmen as they were leaving a restaurant parking lot in Buhangin, Davao. 

One of the gunmen fired at least four times, killing Castillones and injuring Castro. Their female companion, Alma Lozentes, was unharmed.

Representative Nelson Dayanghirang of Davao Oriental’s 1st District condemned the broad daylight gun attack in Davao City, calling for justice for Castillones, whom he called his “close friend and colleague.” 

Cateel-based broadcaster Rocky Silverio said residents were in “total shock” upon hearing about Castillones’ murder.

Castillones was a relative of the late Davao Oriental Governor Corazon Malanyaon. – Rappler.com

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