Zamboanga City

Seven drug suspects escape from PDEA detention facility in Zamboanga

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Seven drug suspects escape from PDEA detention facility in Zamboanga
Investigators find a hole in the ceiling, suspected to be the point of exit for the escapees

CAGAYAN DE ORO, Philippines – Seven drug suspects escaped from a Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) detention facility in Zamboanga City, on Monday, May 13. 

In an initial report, the PDEA in the Zamboanga Peninsula said the prison break took place at around 2:45 am at the PDEA facility in Upper Calarian, Zamboanga City.

Zamboanga-based broadcaster IFM-Zamboanga station of Radio Mindanao Network reported that the escapees were recently arrested in a PDEA operation, during which millions of pesos worth of shabu (meth) were confiscated.

A prison guard, Norbert Mendola, raised an alarm, alerting PDEA agent Jierzy Anne Rafer, the officer on duty. Upon inspection, authorities found only one inmate in the facility.

Investigators also found a hole in the ceiling, suspected to be the point of exit for the escapees.

Marvin Santos, PDEA-Zamboanga City officer, ordered a thorough search of the facility, and a tracker team was fielded to pursue the fugitives in collaboration with other law enforcement agencies.

PDEA identified the escapees as the following:

  • Albadir Ajijul
  • Kerwin Abdila
  • Wilson Sahiban
  • Junjimar Aiyob
  • Jimmy Sahibol
  • Amil Khan Abubasar
  • Muhajiran Jumlah

Authorities in Zamboanga called on the public to remain vigilant and report any sightings or information that may lead to the recapture of the escapees. –

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