Former MILF Shari’ah chief justice is Bangsamoro region’s new wali

Rommel Rebollido

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Former MILF Shari’ah chief justice is Bangsamoro region’s new wali

BARMM WALI. Sheikh Muslim Guiamaden begins performing his ceremonial duties as the region's new wali during the opening of the BARMM paliement session on Tuesday, May 14.


BARMM's wali holds special powers, like dissolving the regional parliament upon the advice of the chief minister, and call for new elections in the region

GENERAL SANTOS, Philippines – The Bangsamoro regional government installed a former head of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front’s Shari’ah high court as the Muslim-majority region’s new wali, on Tuesday, May 14. The wali serves as the ceremonial head of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Regional in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM).

Sheikh Muslim Guiamaden began functioning as the new BARMM wali on Tuesday, in time for the third regular session of the regional parliament, where he performed inauguration rites during the assembly’s opening.

Guiamaden, who once served the MILF as Shari’ah Supreme Court chief justice, was named BARMM’s wali based on a resolution unanimously adopted during a special session of the Bangsamoro parliament on Monday, May 13, according to the Bangsamoro Transition Authority’s information office.

The wali, in the context of Islam, refers to a special person tasked as a guardian and protector. In the BARMM, the wali holds special powers, like dissolving the parliament upon the advice of the BARMM chief minister should there be a vote of no confidence against the regional government. He also has the power to call for new elections.

Being the ceremonial head, Guiamaden’s duties include administering oaths of office and attending public events.

Guiamaden, a native of Buluan, Maguindanao del Sur, earned a Shari’ah degree, majoring in Islamic jurisprudence and principles, from the University of Madinah in Saudi Arabia.

A former MILF representative in Qatar, the new BARMM wali was also associated with the Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs in Qatar for 27 years. Guiamaden is one of the founders of the Philippine Muslim Federation in Qatar.

Initially, he was among two Muslim leaders in a shortlist that the Bangsamoro Council of Leaders recommended. The council is responsible for advising the BARMM chief minister on governance matters.

The other nominee withdrew, according to the BTA information office.

BTA Member Lanang Ali said Guiamaden’s appointment as BARMM’s wali showed the region’s “dedication to self-determination.” The wali, he said, is a symbol of Bangsamoro “resilience and strong sense of cultural pride.” –

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