Agusan del Norte

Marcos inaugurates flood-mitigating power plant in Agusan del Norte

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Marcos inaugurates flood-mitigating power plant in Agusan del Norte

WAVE. President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. waves to a crowd after the inauguration of the Lake Mainit Hydroelectric Power Plant in Jaboanga, Agusan del Norte, Wednesday, July 12.


The power plant harnesses the run-off waters of Lake Mainit to generate electricity for some 45,000 households while helping in flood mitigation efforts in areas around the lake

AGUSAN DEL NORTE, Philippines – The Lake Mainit Hydroelectric Power Plant was inaugurated in the town of Jabonga, Agusan del Norte, on Wednesday, July 12, ushering in an era of sustainable energy and flood prevention for the province in the Caraga region.

President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. led the inauguration of the power plant, which harnesses the run-off waters of Lake Mainit to generate 24.9 megawatts for some 45,000 households.

At the same time, the power plant will play a crucial role in flood mitigation in areas surrounding Lake Mainit.

Agusan Power Corporation president Francisco Tiu Laurel Jr. said the plant’s operations include regulating the water level of Lake Mainit. By carefully managing the lake’s water flow, the power plant acts as a safeguard against devastating floods, ensuring the safety and well-being of nearby communities.

The flood-mitigation aspect of the project has far-reaching implications for agricultural revitalization in Agusan del Norte. Through the control of the lake’s water levels, about 700 hectares of previously submerged land can be reclaimed, providing new opportunities for crop cultivation, rejuvenating the fields and empowering local farmers to sustainably support their families and communities.

CHAT. President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. talks to executives of the Agusan Power Corporation and public officials during the inauguration of the Lake Mainit Hydroelectric Power Plant in Jaboanga, Agusan del Norte, on Wednesday morning, July 12. Rappler photo

Lake Mainit, a significant body of water in the Caraga region, extends along the borders of Agusan del Norte and Surigao del Norte provinces. With a maximum depth of about 219 meters, it claims the title of the country’s deepest lake, and ranks as the fourth largest lake in the archipelago.

Laurel said, “We will be able to utilize the full potential of Lake Mainit as a hydroelectric power source while minimizing flooding in the area.”

During the rainy season, the banks of Lake Mainit often overflow, resulting in flooding in the eight towns around it. The Lake Mainit Hydroelectric Power Plant is expected to alleviate this problem by converting excess water into a valuable energy source.

The power plant aims to help meet the energy needs of Agusan del Norte and other areas in the Caraga region by generating some 100,871 megawatt-hours of renewable energy each year.

The plant is managed by Agusan Power Corporation, a subsidiary of Mainit Hydro Holding Corporation. The corporation has partnered with Markham Resources Corporation of the Philippines and J-POWER Electric Power Development Company of Japan.

Marcos was enthusiastic about the project as he stressed the importance of increasing energy supply and improving the energy mix by prioritizing the use of renewables. 

He regarded the development of the hydropower site as a significant step towards securing reliable power for Agusan del Norte and its neighboring areas.

Marcos also pointed out the benefits of the project, saying that it would not only provide power to around 45,000 households but also generate socio-economic opportunities. 

“As our power demand continues to increase, initiatives and projects like this are most welcome as they help the country increase energy supply and improve our energy mix by prioritizing the use of renewables,” said Marcos. 

The plant is expected to contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions and improve air quality, as hydroelectric power generation has minimal or zero carbon footprint.

Marcos also expressed optimism about the emergence of more projects utilizing renewable resources and urged the local government to provide necessary assistance to ensure the efficiency, safety, and productivity of the power plant.

Agusan del Norte Electric Cooperative (ANECO) technical services manager Romulo Deferia Jr. said the power generated by the plant would directly supply power for their 69kv line, eliminating the need to pay transmission charges to the National Grid Corporation (NGCP).

Deferia said the power would be distributed to all areas covered by ANECO. He pointed out the advantage of the project, which would lower electricity costs compared to coal plant-generated power.

“Agusan del Norte is fortunate to have its own source of cheaper renewable energy,” he said.

Takashi Jahana, executive managing officer of J-POWER, said the Lake Mainit Hydropower Plant would contribute to meeting the renewable energy needs of Mindanao. 

He said plans for Markham Resource Corporation and G Power to develop additional hydropower plants in the Philippines with the aim to achieve a carbon-free energy society in the future.

Meanwhile, Laurel said there were plans to develop a floating solar power source, adding that they have applied for two areas in the town of Jaboanga where a total of 100 megawatts of solar power could be generated. 

Laurel said that while solar power generation might not be as efficient as hydropower, it has remained as a renewable and environmentally friendly option that would not encroach on agricultural land. –

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