Davao del Norte

Malacañang issues another suspension vs Davao del Norte Governor Jubahib

Editha Caduaya, Newsline Philippines

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Malacañang issues another suspension vs Davao del Norte Governor Jubahib

DEFIANT. In this file photo, Davao del Norte Governor Edwin Jubahib addresses his supporters at the provincial capitol in Tagum City on April 11, 2024.

Newsline Philippines

This latest suspension stems from Edwin Jubahib's active participation in a motorcade rally supporting a House bill to expand the franchise area of Davao Light and Power Company, aiming to replace Nordeco

DAVAO CITY, Philippines – Just as he was set to resume his duties as governor of Davao del Norte following a 60-day suspension, Edwin Jubahib has been handed another preventive suspension, this time for participating in a rally against the Northern Davao Electric Cooperative (Nordeco).

According to a Newsline source, Governor Jubahib received the suspension order on Friday, June 7, around 4:20 pm, directly from Department of the Interior and Local Government Regional Director Abdullah Matalam at the Tahanan ng Gobernador in Tagum City. The order was later obtained by Newsline on Saturday afternoon, June 8.

On April 10, the Office of the President placed Jubahib under a 60-day preventive suspension over a vehicle. The governor was set to return to the capitol on Monday, June 10, but received another suspension days before his assumption.

The four-page suspension order, signed by Executive Secretary Lucas Bersamin on June 4, read: “The urgent suspension is GRANTED pursuant to Section 53(a) and (b) of Republic Act 7160 and Section 1.8 of the Administrative Code No. 23, Series of 1992, as amended. Governor Edwin I. Jubahib is placed under PREVENTIVE SUSPENSION for 30 DAYS effective immediately upon receipt.”

This latest suspension stemmed from Jubahib’s active participation in a motorcade rally supporting a House bill to expand the franchise area of Davao Light and Power Company, aiming to replace Nordeco. The case was filed under OP-IAD-23-E-004 by Diahne Czari L. Semic and others, OP-IAD-23-F-002 by Roy C. Baco and others, and OP-IAD-23-G-009 by Director Ernido Malone and others outline that Jubahib admitted in his defense that he supported the rally.

He also acknowledged allowing government vehicles and requesting provincial capitol employees to join the motorcade, which he argued was within his public duties.

The complainants reportedly represented Nordeco and SEMIC, a group of cooperative officers.

Jubahib has been a vocal critic of Nordeco, citing its inadequate service and frequent power interruptions as significant obstacles to business opportunities in Davao del Norte. In particular, residents of the Island Garden City of Samal have suffered from the cooperative’s poor performance, prompting calls for introducing a more reliable power distributor.

Newsline attempted to reach Jubahib for comments, but as of this posting, he has not responded to calls and messages.

This suspension marked the second consecutive preventive suspension for Jubahib, who has faced escalating scrutiny and controversy. His latest suspension for advocating for improved electricity services underscored the broader regional dissatisfaction with Nordeco and highlighted the contentious political environment in Davao del Norte.

Jubahib’s staunch support for replacing Nordeco was rooted in his commitment to fostering economic growth and ensuring a reliable power supply for his constituents. However, his direct involvement in the rally and the use of government resources have raised questions about the appropriateness of his actions and led to significant administrative repercussions.

As the situation unfolds, it has yet to be seen how it will affect the political dynamics in Davao del Norte and its impact on Jubahib’s leadership and future in public service. – Rappler.com

This article, with the original headline “Office of the President issues another 30-day preventive suspension for Governor Jubahib” was republished with permission from Newsline Philippines.

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