Jose Rizal

LOOK: Tribute to Rizal in Fujian, home of the hero’s ancestors

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LOOK: Tribute to Rizal in Fujian, home of the hero’s ancestors

TRIBUTE. Filipino diplomats in Xiamen, China, lead the commemoration of the 125th death anniversary of Dr. Jose Rizal.

Photos courtesy of the Philippine Consulate General in Xiamen

Philippine national hero Dr. Jose Rizal is a descendant of Cua Yi Lam, who hails from Fujian, China

MANILA, Philippines – Filipino diplomats paid tribute to national hero Dr. Jose Rizal in Fujian, China, home of the hero’s ancestors, as the Philippines marked the 125th anniversary of his martyrdom.

LOOK: Tribute to Rizal in Fujian, home of the hero’s ancestors

Consul General Maria Antonina Mendoza-Oblena and her spouse, Minister and Consul General Dinno Oblena, laid a wreath at the Rizal monument in the village of Shangguo in Jinjiang City on Wednesday, December 29. This was the eve of the anniversary of Rizal’s martyrdom on Thursday, December 30.

Jose Rizal Square in Jinjiang is the largest Rizal shrine outside the Philippines, according to Philippine Consulate General in Xiamen.

Photo courtesy of the Philippine Consulate General in Xiamen

Chinese officials from the cities of Quanzhou and Jinjiang also attended the event at the Jose Rizal Square. The shrine, said the consulate, is “patterned after the Luneta Park” in Manila, and “serves as a lasting symbol of the friendship and deep historical and kinship ties between the Philippines and Fujian Province, China.”

Photo courtesy of the Philippine Consulate General in Xiamen

Cua Yi Lam, one of the hero’s forefathers, hailed from Shangguo and was later baptized as Domingo Lam Co, said the consulate general. According to an earlier news release by the consulate general, Cua Yi Lam “migrated to the Philippines and settled in Calamba in 1697.” –

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