Sara Duterte

Sara Duterte only top official with ‘excellent’ satisfaction rating in end 2022 – SWS

Lorenz Pasion

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Sara Duterte only top official with ‘excellent’ satisfaction rating in end 2022 – SWS


Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri and House Speaker Martin Romualdez got 'good' while Chief Justice Alexander Gesmundo got 'moderate' net satisfaction ratings, an SWS survey shows

MANILA, Philippines – By the fourth quarter of 2022, Vice President Sara Duterte was the only top government official who posted an “excellent” or a +77 net satisfaction rating, according to a non-commissioned survey released Monday, February 27, by the Social Weather Stations.

The SWS survey conducted from December 10 to 14, 2022, but only released on Monday, found that 83% or most of the respondents were satisfied with the performance of Duterte, while 5% were dissatisfied for a +77 net satisfaction rating.

SWS said the net satisfaction rating is the percentage of those satisfied minus the percentage of those dissatisfied.

The Vice President’s national net satisfaction rating improved from +73 in October to +77 in December 2022.

Duterte’s December 2022 ratings were excellent in all areas: Mindanao at +96, followed by the Visayas at +74, Metro Manila at +73, and Balance Luzon at +71. 

Both rural and urban areas surveyed gave Duterte an “excellent” satisfaction of +81 and +74, respectively. 

The Vice President also got the same topnotch net satisfaction rating across basic demographics (ranging from +74 to +80), except among college graduates where Duterte got +66 or “very good.” 

The pollster also released the net satisfaction ratings of other top government officials. 

Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri got +47 and House Speaker Martin Romualdez got +37 net satisfaction ratings, both classified as “good” while Chief Justice Alexander Gesmundo got a +24 net satisfaction rating classified as “moderate.”

President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. got a  “very good” or +68 net satisfaction rating, according to an SWS survey released on February 14.

The SWS surveyed 1,200 Filipino adults, aged 18 years old and above, via face-to-face interviews, with 300 respondents from Metro Manila, Balance Luzon, the Visayas, and Mindanao. 

SWS said sampling error margins are ±2.8% for national percentages and ±5.7% each for regional percentages.

According to the SWS, the respondents were asked: “Maaari po bang pakisabi ninyo kung gaano kayo nasisiyahan o hindi nasisiyahan sa pagganap ng tungkulin ni [NAME] bilang [POSITION]. Kayo ba ay lubos na nasisiyahan, medyo nasisiyahan, hindi tiyak kung nasisiyahan o hindi, medyo hindi nasisiyahan, lubos na hindi nasisiyahan, o wala pa kayong narinig o nabasa kahit na kailan tungkol kay [NAME]?” 

(Please tell me how satisfied or dissatisfied you are with the performance of [NAME] as [POSITION]. Are you very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, undecided if satisfied or dissatisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, very dissatisfied, or you have not ever heard or read anything about [NAME]?)

The daughter of former president Rodrigo Duterte, Sara Duterte was Marcos’ running mate in May 2022 national election. Both Marcos and Duterte led preference polls practically throughout the 2022 campaign period and won the election. –

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Lorenz Pasion


Lorenz Pasion

Lorenz Pasion is a researcher at Rappler and a member of its fact-check team that debunks false claims that spread on social media.