Filipino journalists

Veteran broadcaster Dong Puno dies

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Veteran broadcaster Dong Puno dies

Dong Puno Facebook page

Ricardo 'Dong' Puno Jr. was 76
Veteran broadcaster Dong Puno dies

MANILA, Philippines – Veteran broadcaster and former press secretary Ricardo “Dong” Puno Jr. has died.

According to a report by ABS-CBN, Puno died at 12:15 pm on Tuesday, February 15, “due to a lingering illness,” citing his sons Ricky and Donnie. He was 76.

He was known for his shows Dong Puno Live and Viewpoint. Puno was the senior vice president of ABS-CBN News and Current Affairs.

In 2000, he became the press secretary during the Estrada administration and subsequently ran for the Senate. He lost the elections and later returned to ABS-CBN.

Puno was the son of former justice Ricardo Puno Sr. and was himself a lawyer. He co-founded Puno & Puno Law with his father. – Aika Rey/

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