Philippine National Police

‘Davao boy’ Vicente Danao named acting PNP chief

Jairo Bolledo

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‘Davao boy’ Vicente Danao named acting PNP chief

AT HOME. Danao is confident his experience in Davao can fix Manila City.

Rambo Talabong/ Rappler

(1st UPDATE) The former Davao City police chief becomes the eighth PNP chief under President Duterte

MANILA, Philippines – Four days before the May 9 elections, President Rodrigo Duterte named a “Davao boy” as the acting chief of the Philippine National Police (PNP): Lieutenant General Vicente Danao.

Interior Secretary Eduardo Año announced Danao’s appointment on Thursday, May 5.

The current chief of the PNP directorial staff replaces General Dionardo Carlos, who will reach the mandatory retirement age of 56 on Sunday, May 8. Carlos served only for six months while Danao, barring hitches, will be retiring in August 2023 yet.

Danao becomes the 28th chief of the PNP since its founding in 1991, and the eighth under Duterte’s six-year term.

Prior to today, Danao also held a second post – as operations chief after Lieutenant General Ferdinand Divina reached the mandatory age of 56.

Even in the early days of Duterte’s presidency, Danao was always considered as a contender for the country’s top PNP post because of his strong ties with the president. He served as the Davao City police chief when Duterte was its mayor.

Before holding key positions at Camp Crame, Danao headed the Calabarzon regional police and the Manila Police District. He also served as the director of the National Capital Region Police Office.

Danao belongs to the Philippine Military Academy Sambisig Class of 1991.

Department of the Interior and Local Government spokesperson Undersecretary Jonathan Malaya explained that Danao’s designation is not covered by the ban on midnight appointments.

“It’s just a designation as OIC. It’s not a full fledged appointment,” Malaya said in a text message to Rappler.

Under Article 7, Section 15 of the 1987 Constitution, the president is not allowed to make appointments, except temporary appointments, two months before the presidential election and until the end of his/her term. –

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Jairo Bolledo

Jairo Bolledo is a multimedia reporter at Rappler covering justice, police, and crime.