Department of Trade and Industry

DTI warns violators of price freeze order in 31 Western Visayas LGUs

Reymund Titong

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DTI warns violators of price freeze order in 31 Western Visayas LGUs
The price freeze order covers the necessities, such as processed milk, bread, salt, coffee, bottled water, detergent, canned fish, laundry soap, instant noodles, and candles

NEGROS OCCIDENTAL, Philippines – The Department of Trade and Industry in Western Visayas has warned business owners of the repercussions of violating the agency’s price freeze order, which can include fines or up to ten years of imprisonment.

Department of Trade and Industry-6 Regional Director Officer in charge Rachel Nufable said the agency’s personnel are conducting regular monitoring of all the retailers across the region to see if they are compliant with price freeze orders, ensuring protection of consumers from undue price increases.

In a statement on Thursday, May 16, the agency said, “Under Republic Act No. 7581, the Price Act, prices of basic necessities are automatically frozen at their prevailing rates for 60 days when an area is under a state of calamity. This measure aims to protect consumers from undue price increases during calamities.”

The order covers the necessities such as processed milk, bread, salt, coffee, bottled water, detergent, canned fish, laundry soap, instant noodles, and candles, Nufable said.

DTI has already imposed the order to 31 local government units (LGUs) in Western Visayas for 60 days, following their state of calamity declaration due to the impact of the El Nino phenomenon and the whooping cough outbreak.

Of the local government units, 30 declared a state of calamity due to the effects of El Nino, while one LGU, Iloilo City, did so because of a whooping cough outbreak.

DTI’s price freeze order in the following LGUs remains in effect until the indicated dates:

  • Iloilo City: March 26 – May 25
  • Buenavista, Guimaras: March 25 – May 24
  • Anini-y, Antique: March 26 – May 25
  • San Enrique, Negros Occidental: April 8 – June 7
  • Laua-an, Antique: April 12 – June 11
  • Sara, Iloilo: April 12 – June 11
  • Estancia, Iloilo: April 15 – June 14
  • San Remigio, Antique: April 16 – June 15
  • Tobias Fornier, Antique: April 17 – June 16
  • San Lorenzo, Guimaras: April 17 – June 16
  • the entire province of Antique: April 18 – June 17
  • Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental: April 18 – June 17
  •  Barotac Viejo, Iloilo: April 24 – June 23
  • Bingawan, Iloilo: April 24 – June 23
  • Passi City, Iloilo: April 25 – June 24
  • Balasan, Iloilo: April 25 – June 24
  • Dingle, Iloilo: April 30 – June 29
  • Valladolid, Negros Occidental: May 1 – June 30

Similar to the Iloilo provinces’ price freeze order status, San Carlos City in Negros Occidental was left out of the order since it was unable to provide a copy of the declaration and necessary documents to the DTI.

DTI urged all customers to report retailers or establishments selling necessities at prices higher than the set cap to its offices in their respective LGU or province. –

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