Kanlaon Volcano

Kanlaon impact, threat force Negros Oriental city to scrap charter day revelries

Erwin Delilan

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Kanlaon impact, threat force Negros Oriental city to scrap charter day revelries

KANLAON VOLCANO. The volcano in Negros Island.


Canlaon Mayor Jose Chubasco Cardenas says the threat from Kanlaon Volcano persists, with many still coping with the trauma from the June 3 eruption

BACOLOD, Philippines – The city government of Canlaon, Negros Oriental, called off the two days of revelries planned during the city’s 57th charter celebration on July 1 and 2 as an offshoot of the Kanlaon Volcano eruption and the threat it poses.

Canlaon Mayor Jose Chubasco Cardenas told Rappler on Tuesday, July 18, that only a thanksgiving Mass, wreath-laying ceremony at the heroes’ monuments, and a religious concert would be allowed during the July 2 charter day.

“But the other social activities scheduled months ago, including performances by several celebrity bands from Manila, have been canceled,” he said.

Salta Canlaon FB page
CALL OFF. Canlaon Mayor Jose Chubasco Cardenas cancels the festivities for the city’s 57th charter celebration next month as an offshoot of the June 3 Kanlaon Volcano eruption. Salta Canlaon Facebook page

Cardenas said the decision was based on the recommendation of the Canlaon city government’s Incident Management Team (IMT).

He said it would also not be appropriate for the city to push through with the two-day celebration given that many were suffering as a result of the June 3 eruption.

“Mahuya ‘ta sa mga donor nga sang naglupok ang bulkan, naghatag sila para sa mga evacuees, then, masadya-sadya lang ‘ta pagkatapos,” Cardenas said.

(We would feel ashamed because our donors helped the evacuees during the volcano eruption, and then we are just going to have fun afterward.)

He pointed out that many people in Canlaon and other parts of Negros Island were still coping with the trauma caused by the Kanlaon eruption.

“Besides, we continue to remain vigilant. We don’t know what will happen next since Kanlaon remains active until now,” Cardenas said.

Canlaon, known as the “vegetable basket of Negros Island,” will celebrate its 57th anniversary next month. It became the second city in Negros Oriental after Dumaguete based on Proclamation No. 193, signed by late strongman Ferdinand E. Marcos on April 20, 1967. The proclamation upgraded Canlaon’s status from a municipality to a component city of Negros Oriental.

On Tuesday, June 18, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) said Kanlaon remains at Alert Level 2 with increased unrest. 

Entry into a four-kilometer danger zone and flying near the volcano are still strictly prohibited, as sudden eruptions could happen at any time, warned Phivolcs.

According to Cardenas, all evacuees in Canlaon City returned to their homes, but five villages – Pula, Lumapao, Malaiba, Masulog, and Linuthangan – were facing serious risks of being devastated in the event of another eruption. 

Canlaon recorded more than 20,000 affected residents during the June 3 eruption.

The Office of the Civil Defense (OCD) in Western Visayas announced on its Facebook page on Monday, June 17, that it has deployed an emergency telecommunications team to the Kanlaon Volcano incident command post between La Carlota City, Negros Occidental, and Canlaon in Negros Oriental. 

Raul Fernandez, director of OCD-Western Visayas, said the team has been equipped with state-of-the-art devices and drones, all aimed at ensuring seamless communication channels and monitoring for emergency responders. – Rappler.com

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