Sara Duterte

LOOK: VP Sara Duterte’s resignation letter as DepEd secretary, NTF-ELCAC vice chairperson

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LOOK: VP Sara Duterte’s resignation letter as DepEd secretary, NTF-ELCAC vice chairperson

VICE PRESIDENT SARA DUTERTE. Vice President Sara Duterte delivers a message posted on her social media account on December 4, 2023.

Screengrab from video on Inday Sara Duterte Facebook page

In the letter and in her succeeding press conference, Vice President Sara Duterte doesn't give the reason she's quitting the Marcos Cabinet

MANILA, Philippines – Vice President Sara Duterte has quit the Cabinet of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. – as secretary of the Department of Education (DepEd) and vice chairperson of the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict.

The resignation takes effect on July 19, exactly a month from the announcement on Wednesday, June 19.

It was Malacañang which announced the resignation. It was followed shortly after by a press conference by Duterte held at the DepEd. In both instances, the reason for Duterte’s resignation was not given.

Below is Duterte’s resignation letter:

Sara Duterte's resignation letter as DepEd secretary and NTF-ELCAC vice chairperson


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