PAGASA forecasts

No more LPA but rain seen from shear line, northeast monsoon

Acor Arceo

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No more LPA but rain seen from shear line, northeast monsoon

PHILIPPINE WEATHER. Satellite image as of January 26, 2023, 4:30 pm.


The shear line is expected to bring scattered rain showers and thunderstorms, warns PAGASA on Thursday, January 26

MANILA, Philippines – The low pressure area (LPA) located off Surigao del Sur on Thursday morning, January 26, already dissipated in the afternoon, but the shear line and the northeast monsoon or amihan are causing more rain.

The LPA earlier affected parts of the country.

The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said on Thursday afternoon that scattered rain showers and thunderstorms are expected in the following areas due to the shear line:

  • Caraga
  • Northern Mindanao
  • Eastern Visayas
  • Central Visayas
  • Albay
  • Sorsogon
  • Catanduanes

The northeast monsoon is also bringing rain to these regions and provinces:

  • rest of Bicol
  • Cagayan Valley
  • Cordillera Administrative Region
  • Aurora
  • Quezon
  • Oriental Mindoro
  • Marinduque
  • Romblon

Flash floods and landslides are possible in areas affected by the shear line and the northeast monsoon.

Other parts of the country will only have isolated rain showers or localized thunderstorms.

PAGASA Weather Specialist Raymond Ordinario said the weather bureau does not expect a tropical cyclone to form inside or enter the Philippine Area of Responsibility within the next three days.

That means it is likely January may end without the country seeing a tropical cyclone. –

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Acor Arceo

Acor Arceo is the head of copy and editorial standards at Rappler. Trained in both online and TV newsrooms, Acor ensures consistency in editorial standards across all sections and also supervises Rappler’s coverage of disasters.