Kobe Paras happy to have LeBron James part of his journey

Jane Bracher

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Kobe Paras happy to have LeBron James part of his journey
Wherever basketball takes Paras, he will always be the kid who once dunked on LeBron

MANILA, Philippines – Kobe Paras became notorious in 2013 as the then 15-year old who audaciously dunked over NBA star LeBron James when he first visited Manila.

Two years later, he faced the King once more. There wasn’t another highlight slam over the Cleveland Cavaliers forward, but the 17-year old nevertheless felt happy and “blessed” to have James a part of his basketball journey. 

“I’m really happy because no one gets this opportunity every day, no one gets to have what I have so I’m really blessed that (dunk) happened,” Paras said in a mix of English and Filipino after the Nike Rise exhibition game that featured James on Thursday, August 20 at the Mall of Asia Arena. 

Wherever basketball takes Paras, he will always be the kid who once dunked on LeBron.

(WATCH: IN VINES: LeBron treats PH fans to dunk show)

“I just focus on my work and what I do I don’t want to focus on the hype. I’m just happy I’m here.”

FLYING HIGH. Kobe Paras had a number of highlight dunks during the exhibition game. Photo by Josh Albelda/Rappler

Paras, who is still playing for and studying at Los Angeles Cathedral High, admitted he was a little less starstruck in the presence of James the second time around. But James’ flashy entrance certainly sent chills down the young Filipino baller’s spine, who’s highly inspired by the two-time NBA champion. (READ: National team eyeing Nike Rise’s Kristine Cayabyab)

“I’ve been looking up to him since he was in his rookie year. He was in high school and from high school he just went straight to the pros. Just seeing him really wowed him,” he gushed.

(READ: LeBron James seeks to inspire Filipino basketball hopefuls)

“His first year he was Rookie of the Year so it was pretty amazing seeing his story. There were a lot of people who doubted him, who hated him, just seeing him rise above everyone is cool.”

(READ: LeBron: ‘Every time I step out on the floor, I want to be the greatest’)

Paras, too, has the weight of hopes and expectations on his barely fully-grown shoulders, as an entire nation is rooting for him to become the first full-fledged Filipino to make it in the NBA. (IN PHOTOS: LeBron James visits Taguig tenement)

There is much promise in a very athletic and very coachable Paras. But for now, he’s only happy to share the court again with the world’s best player. 

“When he was on stage. I was like ‘wow, LeBron talaga ‘to (this is really LeBron), he’s really here,” said the son of former PBA player Benjie Paras. Paras is also a fan of Golden State’s Steph Curry. “It was crazy. Seeing him again and going up against him, siyempre idol talaga (of course he’s really my idol).” (IN PHOTOS: LeBron James rocks MoA Arena)

Soon enough, however, he hopes he will get a chance to meet the player he was named for. 

“Hopefully whenever he comes or has some events sana nga makasama ko (I hope I can join).”

– Rappler.com

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