WATCH: Kobe Bryant gets dislocated finger popped back in

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WATCH: Kobe Bryant gets dislocated finger popped back in
The retiring Bryant didn't let a little dislocated finger interrupt his final NBA season for long

MANILA, Philippines – Kobe Bryant injured his finger late in the fourth quarter of his Los Angeles Lakers’ game against the San Antonio Spurs on Saturday, February 20.

Bryant, who hurt the finger while trying to steady himself, didn’t waste time popping the injury back in to its original place:

A dislocated finger couldn’t keep Bryant out for long, as he subbed in with 1:55 left to help his 11-win team. He even scored afterwards on a floater.

According to LA Times beat writer Mike Bresnahan, the retiring Bryant was getting an x-ray on the dislocation, which is the middle finger of his right hand. Mike Trudell later reported that the x-ray came back negative, meaning there was no fracture and only a dislocation.

The Spurs went on to win the game 119-113 to improve to 46-9, while LA dropped to 11-45. Bryant finished with 25 points in 29 minutes. –

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