PH basketball’s Roehl Nadurata dies

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Players, coaches, and personalities in Philippine basketball lament the death of assistant coach Roehl Nadurata who died due to complications from lung cancer

Roehl Nadurata with Rain or Shine players. Photo from Ryan Araña's Instagram page.

MANILA, Philippines – Philippine basketball just lost a great man.

Longtime assistant coach and former national player Roehl Nadurata passed away evening of Tuesday, October 8, 2012 at the age of 74 after succumbing to complications from lung cancer.

Nadurata is the assistant coach for Rain or Shine Elasto Painters and has been a deputy to fiery head coach Yeng Guiao throughout most of his coaching career. Nadurata and Guiao have been inseparable since they started working together for Swift.

In an interview with, Guiao said he is “deeply saddened” by the passing of Nadurata and that “he’ll definitely be sorely missed.”

Guiao also said Nadurata was his link to past basketball greats and helped him get on track with his coaching career.

After hearing of the coach’s passing, PBA players, coaches, and friends  paid their respects through social networking sites Twitter and Facebook.


Nadurata’s health was already deteriorating even during Rain or Shine’s championship run in the PBA Governor’s Cup. After winning their first game in the Philippine Cup against Petron, Guiao said the Painters were dedicating their game to the assistant. –

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