WATCH: NBA game recap and highlights

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WATCH: NBA game recap and highlights
The Bucks put a lock on the top seed in the East as the defending champion Warriors tighten their hold of the No.1 spot in the West



MANILA, Philippines – Giannis Antetokounmpo dropped a stellar all-around game as the Milwaukee Bucks edged the Philadelphia 76ers, 128-122, to secure the No. 1 spot in the NBA Eastern Conference to secure homecourt advantage throughout the playoffs.

Antetokounmpo unleashed 45 points, 13 rebounds, 6 assists and 5 blocks as the Bucks nailed the top seed with a 59-20 record on Thursday, April 4 (Friday, April 5, Manila time).

The Golden State Warriors, meanwhile, strengthened their hold of the top berth in the West side with a  54-24 slate following a 108-90 drubbing of the Los Angeles Lakers.

Game results

Milwaukee 128, Philadelphia 122 (READ: Bucks outlast Sixers to clinch East top seed)

Golden State 108, LA Lakers 90 (READ: Warriors tighten West top seed grip with Lakers whipping)

Sacramento 117, Cleveland 104


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