Filipino boxers

Casimero to face Donaire or Inoue in December

Roy Luarca

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Casimero to face Donaire or Inoue in December

TITLE-SEEKER. WBO bantamweight champion Johnriel Casimero wants a unification bout.

Premier Boxing Champions Twitter page

According to promoter Sean Gibbons, negotiations are underway for the aborted Nonito Donaire-Johnriel Casimero tussle to push through, with the winner getting the crack at Naoya Inoue

Johnriel Casimero’s next fight will be on December 11. Whether it’s going to be against Naoya Inoue or Nonito Donaire Jr. is up in the air.

Although Casimero announced on his YouTube channel that it’s going to be Inoue, MP (Manny Pacquiao) Promotions president Sean Gibbons prefers that he tackles Donaire first.

According to Gibbons, negotiations are underway for the aborted Donaire-Casimero tussle to push through on December 11 in the United States, with the winner getting the crack at the Japanese “Monster.”

Fed up with Casimero’s taunts, Inoue – the International Boxing Federation and World Boxing Association champion – has tweeted he wants to fight the World Boxing Organization bantamweight titlist within the year and “beat him into the ground.”

Donaire, the World Boxing Council king, insisted there are no ongoing talks between his handlers and Team Casimero and that a rematch with Inoue is his priority.

Clearly, it’s a three-corner affair among champions with Casimero sure to get one of the two fight slots available.

And for Nonoy Neri, Casimero’s trainer, that alone is enough.

“I prefer Inoue for Casimero but I’m leaving the matter to Sean,” said Neri. “Kahit sino puwede (Anybody will do).”

Casimero and Neri arrived in the country from the United States on August 27 and are both under quarantine as per COVID-19 protocols. Casimero is in Ormoc City and Neri in Makati.

They’ll be out by September 5 and would have to make maximum use of their short vacation as Gibbons wants Casimero to be back in the US by the third week of September.

Neri agrees as he doesn’t want Casimero to gain much weight for the December 11 fight.

Unlike Casimero, who’s brimming with confidence, Neri believes either Donaire or Inoue would be a tough matchup. –

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