
Rappler Talk Sports: Ateneo Blue Eagles on 2018 Jones Cup campaign

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Rappler Talk Sports: Ateneo Blue Eagles on 2018 Jones Cup campaign
Thirdy Ravena, Matt Nieto and Isaac Go drop by the Rappler office to talk about their surprise run in the international club tournament

MANILA, Philippines – Ateneo exceeded expectations in the the 40th William Jones Cup as the Blue Eagles just narrowly missed the podium with a 5-3 record. 

But before the UAAP Season 80 champions bowed to Iran in their last game to finish 4th overall, the Blue Eagles pulled off surprise wins that saw notable performances from Thirdy Ravena, Matt Nieto and Isaac Go.

The trio will drop by the Rappler office to talk about their experience representing the Philippines and the team’s impressive run in the international club tournament. Tune in at 11 am on Friday, July 27 and join the discussion. –


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