LOOK: PH Women’s Football team national pool and fixtures


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LOOK: PH Women’s Football team national pool and fixtures
It's the turn of the Philippine Women's National Football Team to try to crash the AFC Women's Asian Cup

MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine Women’s National Football Team (PWNFT) will begin their campaign  in Group A of the 2018 AFC Women’s Asian Cup on Thursday, April 6 (Friday, April 7, Manila time). 

The Philippine Football Federation announced the 28-woman national pool on Thursday, March 29. The final 23-woman line-up will be finalized next week. 




Midfielder Sara Castañeda from De La Salle University, who was forced to sit out of the team flying to Jordan last month according to Tiebreaker Times, continues to be part of the national pool. The reigning UAAP women’s football Best Midfielder scored 4 goals in the AFC Women’s Asian Cup qualifiers last April in Tajikistan. 

The line-up will continue to be a mix of Filipino-Americans and local Filipino players who have stood out and wholeheartedly committed to carrying the Philippine flag. 

The team’s former head coach Richard Boon was also replaced by Frenchman Rabah Benlarbi early this March. 

The Philippines will be facing Jordan, China PR and Thailand in the Group A of the Women’s Asian Cup. The schedule is as follows: 


Their opening match will be a qualifiers rematch with Jordan who won over the Philippines 5-1. The PWNFT will be looking to redeem themselves from that drubbing, as a big win against Jordan would set the tone for the tournament.

– Rappler.com

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