Caligdong bounces back to salvage 3rd for GAU

Myke Miravite

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Chieffy Caligdong scores a brace against his former team Philippine Air Force to give the Green Archers United a 3rd place finish in the UFL cup

BOUNCE BACK. Chieffy Caligdong scores a brace for Green Archers United. Photo by Mark Cristino/Rappler

MANILA, Philippines – After a forgettable night against Pachanga Diliman in the semifinals, Chieffy Caligdong bounced back mightily for Green Archers United as he scored a brace to upend Philippine Air Force, 2-nil, Thursday evening, December 5, at the Emperador Stadium in Taguig City.

The National Team skipper entered a game filled with a lot of subplots – including facing the very team he helped steer to the Cup title two years ago – but still managed to salvage a 3rd place finish for the Green Archers. It’s the highest finish for the club in the United Football League (UFL) Cup.

“Masaya na nakikita natin yung team na improving, ‘yung training namin na matagal very successful, nakikita namin yung team na umaangat. Sana masustain namin ito para sa darating na season,” said the 31-year-old left winger. (I’m happy to see the team is improving, our long training was very successful. It’s evident our team is on the rise. I hope we can sustain this until the next season.)

“Trabaho lang, kung nasa Air Force ako before, alam ko kung saan ang responsibilidad ko. Eh ngayon nasa GAU ako, ginagawa ko lang kung ano binigay sa akin na responsibility.” (It’s just work, when I was with Air Force before I knew exactly what my responsibilities were. Now that I’m with GAU, I do the task assigned to me.)

A miscue from the Airmen’s defensive line gave GAU an early advantage as Neckson Leonora committed a 9th minute own goal, putting this year’s Cinderella team in a hole they could not get out of.

Air Force, wanting to recuperate from a woeful League showing last season, tried to restore parity in the first half but an inspired defense by the Green Archers prevented any comeback in the first 45 minutes of the game.

Last year’s Cup 4th placer GAU relentlessly pounded the Airmen with a lot of attempts, getting themselves rewarded in the 51st minute when Caligdong blasted one in using his weaker right foot following a spectacular one-two passing with Jesse Martindale.

It only took less than 10 minutes for Caligdong to double his output as he lobbed the ball over Kenneth Dolloso, erecting a 3-goal lead over Air Force in the 57th minute.

Clearly fatigued from playing back-to-back games that went to extra time, Air Force could not muster any reply to GAU’s persistent attacking but were lucky enough to lose by just a 3-goal margin.

The Green Archers United only lost twice in their 2013 Cup run. Both losses came agaust both against the Loyola Meralco Sparks while the wholly homegrown Air Force side will make their Division II debut after freefalling from being two-time League champs and two-time cup winners. –


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