
Carlos Alcaraz hoping to learn from legendary doubles partner Rafa Nadal at Paris Olympics


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Carlos Alcaraz hoping to learn from legendary doubles partner Rafa Nadal at Paris Olympics

YOUNG CHAMPION. Spain's Carlos Alcaraz with ball kids celebrate with the trophy after winning the men's singles final against Germany's Alexander Zverev

REUTERS/Yves Herman

Young tennis superstar Carlos Alcaraz hopes to soak up as much knowledge as he can ahead of the 2024 Paris Olympics as he teams up with living legend and two-time gold medalist Rafael Nadal

Tennis world No. 2 Carlos Alcaraz said he is looking forward to learning from 22-time Grand Slam champion Rafa Nadal when they pair up in the doubles at the Paris Olympics.

Three-time Grand Slam champion Alcaraz, 21, will return to Roland Garros for the singles and doubles at the Games after being crowned French Open champion there earlier this month.

Nadal won Olympic singles gold in 2008 and a doubles gold in 2016. The 38-year-old will be playing at the Games for a third time.

“I didn’t expect to play doubles at the Olympic Games with Rafa,” Alcaraz told reporters on Monday (Tuesday, June 18, Manila time). “It is a unique moment for me but of course I am very happy about it. Let’s see how it’s going to be but it’s going to be a great time.”

“Honestly, I feel he is going to teach me how to deal with everything. I am the young guy who needs to grow up as a player, to grow up as a person as well. Of course it’s going to be my first Olympic Games. Everything is new for me, so I hope to learn a lot from him.”

Nadal is skipping Wimbledon in July in order to prepare for the Olympics while Alcaraz returns to action at the Queen’s Club Championships in London later on Tuesday before starting his title defence at Wimbledon next month.

The Olympic tennis tournament runs from July 27 to Aug. 4. –

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