ONE Championship

‘Adapt and overcome’: Denice Zamboanga unfazed with new ONE challenge

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‘Adapt and overcome’: Denice Zamboanga unfazed with new ONE challenge 

FACE-OFF. Filipina fighter Denice Zamboanga (right) and French Noelle Grandjean battle in a ONE three-rounder.


‘It's definitely challenging to face a different opponent so close to the fight, but I'm focused and ready,’ says Denice Zamboanga as the Filipina fighter takes on a last-minute replacement foe

MANILA, Philippines – Denice “The Menace” Zamboanga knows the added risks of taking on short-notice replacement Noelle “Lil Monkey” Grandjean this Saturday, June 8. 

Originally set to challenge Stamp Fairtex for the latter’s ONE Atomweight MMA World Title, Zamboanga now has to settle for another former training partner of hers in a three-rounder at ONE 167: Tawanchai vs Nattawut II at the Impact Arena in Bangkok, Thailand. 

Stamp tore her meniscus with three weeks to go until their bout, but the Filipina decided to stay on the stacked card despite all the risks and extra preparation involved. 

“It’s definitely challenging to face a different opponent so close to the fight, but I’m focused and ready,” she said. 

“My mentality is to adapt and overcome. Every fight is an opportunity to show my skills and resilience, regardless of who is standing across from me.” 

Zamboanga has had to change her focus to take on a judoka like Grandjean, who’s coming in looking to turn this fight into a grappling battle. 

It’s a complete 180-degree turn from her preparations for Stamp, who’s known for her elite striking skills. But Zamboanga is unfazed with the challenge. 

“The shift in preparation has been significant. Training for Stamp meant focusing heavily on striking and muay thai techniques. With Noelle, I’ve had to adjust my game plan to focus more on grappling and takedown defense,” she said. 

“It’s a different challenge, but I’m confident in my training and my ability to adapt.” 

‘Adapt and overcome’: Denice Zamboanga unfazed with new ONE challenge 

It’s hard for some athletes to stay motivated after losing yet another World Title shot, but Zamboanga is cut from a different cloth. In fact, she’s out to prove her status as the best in the division, and that starts by beating anyone who’s in front of her.  

“I’m incredibly motivated. This is my chance to prove that I’m ready for a title shot, regardless of the opponent,” she said. 

“Every fight is a step toward my ultimate goal, and I’m determined to show that I deserve to be in contention for the belt. My motivation is higher than ever, and I’m ready to give it my all in the cage.”  – Rappler

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