FIFA World Cup

True keeper: Goalie Olivia McDaniel shines in historic PH World Cup triumph

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True keeper: Goalie Olivia McDaniel shines in historic PH World Cup triumph

GRITTY. Philippine goalkeeper Olivia McDaniel delivers in the sport's biggest stage.


Goalkeeper Olivia McDaniel shares the spotlight with striker Sarina Bolden, earning Woman of the Match honors for her timely saves in the Philippine women’s football team’s World Cup upset of New Zealand

WELLINGTON, New Zealand – Irrepressible Filipina striker Sarina Bolden may have been New Zealand’s tormentor, but goalkeeper Olivia McDaniel also made sure the Philippine women’s football team pulls through.  

McDaniel made several timely saves in the nerve-wracking match that saw the Philippines achieve a score of firsts – first World Cup goal, first World Cup win, and first debutant team to win in the tournament’s 2023 edition. 

“The win means everything,” said McDaniel after bagging the Woman of the Match award in the Filipinas’ huge upset of host and world No. 26 New Zealand, 1-0.

“I could care less about this (award) more than winning tonight. Being able to win for my country, for my team, and for my family, everybody – my mom, my lolo (grandfather), just everybody – being able to win tonight, it just means everything.” 

McDaniel – whose Filipina mother, Lindy Isip, traces her roots to Pampanga and Davao – came through in crucial stretches for the Philippines. 

The Filipino-American goalie thwarted several New Zealand chances to tie the match, and up until the closing minutes, a fine McDaniel save from close range foiled New Zealand’s Grace Jale.

“The last five minutes felt like 20 years,” said McDaniel with a laugh. “It worked and we’re happy.”

“My defense…we did it well, we handled it as best as best we could,” the 5-foot-8 keeper added. “And that’s all we could ask for.”

A few breaks also went the Filipinas’ way, just like when Jacqui Hand’s potential equalizing header in the 68th minute – with McDaniel caught out of position – was ruled offside by Mexican referee Katia Garcia after reviewing the play with the Virtual Assistant Referee (VAR), much to the Philippine camp’s relief.

“We collectively held our breath a minute or two. Such an incredible goal by them but we are grateful that it was called back and we had to move forward,” McDaniel shared.

“We had to settle down and knew that would keep coming, and we had to make sure that it would not happen again.” 

But just as coach Alen Stajcic said, the Filipinas also “earned their luck.”

“We really put our head down and we knew what was really coming at us,” the 25-year-old McDaniel said. 

“New Zealand would be coming hard from their momentum of their win against Norway, but we put our head down and came in focused. We had a goal in mind and we achieved it.”

McDaniel also couldn’t thank the Filipinos fans enough for being just as loud, even as the Ferns were roared on by a crowd of 32,357 at Wellington Regional Stadium.

“I felt our fans were so much louder, that’s all I heard,” said McDaniel.

“We tried to make it seem like a home game and they really came through for us tonight. They are our 12th man, all our kababayans (compatriots) who came out tonight, it was truly – you can’t put it into words – it was so amazing.” –

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