Paris Olympics

Mbappe rules out playing in Paris Olympics after Real Madrid move


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Mbappe rules out playing in Paris Olympics after Real Madrid move

STAR. France's Kylian Mbappe reacts during a friendly match against Luxembourg.

Johanna Geron/REUTERS

Kylian Mbappe previously said that he was keen on playing for France at his home Olympics, but since the Paris Games football tournament is not on FIFA's calendar, clubs are not obliged to release their players

Kylian Mbappe confirmed on Sunday, June 16 (Monday, June 17, Manila time), he will not play for France’s Olympic team at the Paris Games as his new club Real Madrid is against the idea.

The 25-year-old said in March that he was keen on playing at his home Games but since the Olympic football tournament is not on FIFA’s calendar, clubs are not obliged to release their players.

Mbappe was not included in a 25-man preliminary squad for the Olympics earlier this month, though head coach Thierry Henry left the door open.

“My club’s position was very clear, so from that moment on, I think I [knew] I won’t be taking part in the Games,” Mbappe told reporters ahead of Monday’s Group D match against Austria at Euro 2024.

“That’s just the way it is, and I understand that too. I’m joining a new team in September, so it’s not the best way to start an adventure.”

“I’m going to wish this French team all the best. I’m going to watch every game. I hope they’ll win the gold medal.”

The men’s Olympic football competition begins on July 24, 10 days after the European Championships final, and ends on August 9. –

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