
Sinner more confident ahead of Wimbledon after first grass court title


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Sinner more confident ahead of Wimbledon after first grass court title

CROWNED. Italy's Jannik Sinner poses with the Halle Open trophy after winning the final against Poland's Hubert Hurkacz.

Leon Kuegeler/REUTERS

Jannik Sinner wins his first tournament as the world No. 1, ruling the Halle Open ahead of his bid to capture the Wimbledon championship

Jannik Sinner is primed for a Wimbledon title tilt after picking up his first grass court trophy at Halle on Sunday, June 23, and the Italian said he is more confident on the surface heading into the Grand Slam that begins next week.

The 22-year-old became the eighth man since the ATP rankings were first published in 1973 to win his first tournament as the world No. 1 after beating doubles partner Hubert Hurkacz, 7-6 (8), 7-6 (2) in Germany.

“I’m looking forward to it (Wimbledon). Last year I made the semifinals, I played some good tennis. Let’s see what’s coming this year,” said Sinner, who won his maiden Grand Slam title at the Australian Open this year.

“I’m more confident for sure. And on this surface, obviously the grass might be a bit different from here and Wimbledon. But I have one week now to prepare for it, so hopefully it’s going to be a good tournament.”

It was not all good news for Sinner, however, as his girlfriend Anna Kalinskaya was beaten 6-7 (0), 6-4, 7-6 (3) by Jessica Pegula in the Berlin final.

“My girlfriend Anna played in Berlin. She lost, with six (five) match points. I’m very sorry for her,” said Sinner.

“She also had an amazing week.”

Wimbledon runs from July 1 to 14. –

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