Laylo tops online chess, vaults to 2nd overall behind Antonio

Roy Luarca

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Laylo tops online chess, vaults to 2nd overall behind Antonio
Grandmaster Darwin Laylo rules the fourth edition of the Cesar Orbe Memorial Chess 960 Series



MANILA, Philippines – Grandmaster Darwin Laylo won’t be denied victory this time.

The veteran Olympian went unbeaten and wound up with 9 points in 11 rounds to rule the fourth edition of the Cesar Orbe Memorial Chess 960 Series on Wednesday, April 15.

Flashing his old sharp form, Laylo posted 7 wins and 4 draws to prevail over a crack field and better his 2nd place finish in the third leg of the online tourney won by GM Rogelio “Joey” Antonio.

Top prospect Alekhine Nouri, who became the world’s youngest Fide Master at 7 in 2013, rebounded from an opening round loss to tally 8.5 points, half a point ahead of Antonio and International Master Daniel Quizon.

Antonio, a 13-time Philippine champion, took 3rd with a better tiebreak over Quizon, the reigning Asian Junior under-16 titlist and winner of the third leg of the Rising Phoenix Online (blitz) Tournament held recently.

The 39-year-old Laylo, national champion in 2004 and 2006 and a two-time World Cup participant, thus vaulted to joint 2nd in the overall ranking behind Antonio, who totes 12 points, counting his triumph in the inaugural edition of the event organized by National Chess Federation of the Philippines executive director Atty Cliburn Orbe in memory of his father.

Laylo and second leg winner FM Sander Severino, a four-gold medalist in the 2018 Asian Para Games, both have 8 points and either one must win the fifth and last leg on April 19 to have a chance of wresting the overall title from Antonio.

Finishing 2nd, worth 3 points, or 3rd, worth 2 points, won’t do as Antonio has a built-in edge of 4 points.

Other point-getters who are too far to aspire for overall honors are FM Arden Reyes with 3.0 points and National Master Rolzon Roullo, Narq Reyes and Asuela Ellan with 2 each. –


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