US basketball

Warriors, Chris Paul to push back $30M deadline – reports


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Warriors, Chris Paul to push back $30M deadline – reports

VETERAN MOVE. Warriors guard Chris Paul shoots over Mavericks forward Dwight Powell.

D. Ross Cameron/USA TODAY Sports/Reuters

The delay reportedly gives the Warriors more time to work out a trade centered around veteran guard Chris Paul

Friday’s deadline to guarantee Chris Paul’s $30-million contract for next season with the Golden State Warriors will come and go, multiple outlets reported, with both sides in agreement to push the deadline back to the start of free agency on Sunday, June 30.

According to ESPN, the two-day delay will give the Warriors more time to work out a trade.

Next season is the final one on Paul’s four-year, $120-million deal he signed with the Phoenix Suns in advance of the 2021-2022 season.

Paul, 39, was traded just over a year ago from the Suns to the Washington Wizards, then dealt again two weeks later to the Warriors.

Playing in 58 games for Golden State last season (18 starts), Paul averaged 9.2 points with 6.8 assists in a career-low 26.4 minutes per game.

The Rookie of the Year in the 2005-2006 season and a 12-time All-Star, Paul has averaged 17.5 points and 9.4 assists in 1,272 games (1,232 starts) over 19 seasons. He has finished in the top five of MVP voting five times, but his scoring average has dipped in each of the past four seasons.

Paul ranks third in NBA history in both steals (2,614) and assists (11,894). –

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