US basketball

Warriors star Draymond Green suspended indefinitely 


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Warriors star Draymond Green suspended indefinitely 

CONTROVERSIAL STAR. Warriors forward Draymond Green walks off the court.

Kelley L Cox/USA TODAY Sports/Reuters

As Draymond Green figures in another rough on-court incident, the NBA suspends the Warriors star indefinitely, saying he needs to meet certain league and team conditions before he returns to play

Golden State Warriors forward Draymond Green has been suspended indefinitely by the NBA after he was ejected from Tuesday’s game for striking Phoenix center Jusuf Nurkic in the face.

In the third quarter of the Warriors’ 119-116 road loss, Nurkic had his hand on Green’s hip while defending him when Green swung around wildly, hitting Nurkic with his open hand.

Green received a Flagrant Foul 2 and was ejected for making “unnecessary and excessive contact to the face,” the referees determined after a video review.

The league said it took into account Green’s history of “unsportsmanlike acts” and that he would be required to meet certain league and team conditions before he returns to play.

Green later apologized to Nurkic, saying it was accidental and he “didn’t intend to hit” Nurkic.

He added that he threw his arm in an attempt to sell a foul call.

Green previously served a five-game suspension in November for an altercation with Minnesota’s Rudy Gobert and sat out Game 5 of the 2016 NBA Finals for committing a flagrant foul on Cleveland’s LeBron James in the prior game.

The Cavaliers won Game 5 and went on to win the series.

A four-time NBA champion and All Star, Green has played a crucial role in building the Warriors dynasty in the San Francisco Bay Area.

He is the emotional leader of the team and his quick tempo and court vision helps creates shots for sharpshooting guards Steph Curry and Klay Thompson.

The Warriors (10-13) are 11th in the Western Conference and play the Clippers in Los Angeles on Thursday. –

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