US basketball

Warriors would offer Paul George max contract – report


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Warriors would offer Paul George max contract – report

STARS COLLIDE. Clippers forward Paul George) shoots against Warriors guard Klay Thompson.

Gary A. Vasquez/USA TODAY Sports/Reuters

The Warriors make their move, with Clippers star Paul George reportedly in a staredown with his squad over an extension at less than max value

The Golden State Warriors are aggressively pursuing trade options for Los Angeles Clippers superstar Paul George and would offer him the four-year max extension he’s seeking, ESPN reported Wednesday, June 26.

George reportedly is in a staredown with the Clippers, who are offering the nine-time All-Star a three-year extension at less than max value. The Clippers are betting that George, a Palmdale, California native, wouldn’t leave his hometown team, per the report.

“Golden State is big-fish hunting. Remember, last trade deadline, they put a call in about LeBron James. They are sniffing around big deals. If Paul George is willing to leave, they would like to be an option for him,” ESPN’s Brian Windhorst reported Wednesday.

George has until Saturday, the day before free agency begins, to decide whether to exercise his $48.8 million player option for the 2024-2025 season.

NBA insider Marc Stein said the Warriors would make point guard Chris Paul the centerpiece of a trade to the Clippers for George.

George just completed his fifth season with the Clippers. He’s averaged 20.8 points, 6.3 rebounds, and 3.7 assists in 867 career games (819 starts) with the Indiana Pacers (2010-2017), Oklahoma City Thunder (2017-2019), and Clippers. –

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